SQL Syntax Basic
Retrieve from Table
SELECT statement
A Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement for reading and editing data
- To Retrieve all data from a table
select * from tablename
- Retrieve certain columns from table
select col1, col2, col3 from tablename
Retrieve the result set: Where Clause
Add condition to result result
select col1, col2 from tablename WHERE col1='item1'
Here listed all the supported comparison operators in WHERE
sign | operation |
= | Equal to |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater or equal |
<= | Lesser or equal |
>< | Not equal to |
INSERT statment
Add row(s) to a table
INSERT INTO tablename (column1, column2, ... )
VALUES (value1, value2, ... ) [,(value11, value22, ...)]
In the VALUES clause, multiple entreis are allowed to add multiple rows into the table at once
UPDATE statement
Update or Alter the data in a table
UPDATE tablename
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition
is omitted, the statement will alter the value in given column for all the record
DELETE statement
Remove 1 or more rows from the table
DELETE FROM tablename
WHERE condition
is omitted, the statement will delete all the record
Create or Alter a Table
CREATE statement
Create a table in a relational database
CREATE TABLE tablename
col_name_1 datatype optional_params,
col_name_2 datatype,
col_name_n datatype,
ALTER statement
- Add or remove columns, keys, constraints
- Modify data type
It’s possible to perform multiple same type operations but not different types
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD COLUMN col_name_1 datatype
ADD COLUMN col_name_2 datatype;
Each type requires an independent ALTER
ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD COLUMN col_name data_type column_constraint;
ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP COLUMN col_name;
ALTER TABLE tablename
ALTER COLUMN col_name SET DATA TYPE data_type;
ALTER TABLE tablename
RENAME COLUMN current_column_name TO new_column_name;
DROP statement
Delete an existing table
DROP TABLE tablename;
Truncate statement
Delete all rows in table not the table itself
Build-In Functions
Retrieve the number of rows matching the query
SELECT count(*) FROM tablename where predicate
Remove duplicate values from a result set
SELECT DISTINCT col FROM tablename WHERE predicate
Restrict the number of rows retrieved from the table
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE predicate LIMIT 5